Veritas NetWorX™ T.V.(sm): NEW TOWN KIDS by Haminia Haar on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 3:38am

Thursday, January 3, 2013

NEW TOWN KIDS by Haminia Haar on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 3:38am

A silent Friday, beautiful heaven

Covered New Town and Sandy Elementary School last week..

The happy children aged six and seven,

Were jumping of joy holding their parents' hands in the street..


How wonderful thoughts crossed their childish mind,

Santa Claus giving to them lots of amazing toys and sweets..

Parents singing Christmas carols all kind,

Gentle embraces and kisses before Jesus Christ to meet..


Teachers waited for them inside the school,

With large smile giving the kids a pretty hug and their true love..

They didn't know they were used as a tool,

 For madness dreams come true in a lost mind never watched above..


Emily, Catherine, Madeleine..., so nice names,

Holy angels they were on Earth but hearts are broken today..

They won't come back to society's games,

Innocence, pureness, faith in love are ever lost away..


Speechless, shocked minds remained their parents' heart,

No birthdays, graduatings, weddings will take place any more..

Barack Obama's tears are not enough,

To stop the whole suffering which brought the black flag like in a war..


How beautiful was Victory Soto,

The most devoted teacher who gave her life to save kids, sweet..

She fills our soul and mind as Motto,

For sacrificing her deep knowledge before God's Son to meet..


Candles, lights, flowers and tears are now,

Regrets for not being able to see the Evil in mind..

New laws are requested to rule this Now,

To stop buying guns, nothing can fill the space of a lost child..


Are we all helpless in front of madness ?

Hard to believe it happens in the first country of the Earth..

We are God's loved children full of kindness,

And we must change all these horror behaviors since birth..


We must fight for Life and Humanity,

We must share the warmth of Sun rays in happiness and great love,

Fulfill God's wish to live Eternity ..

And make the birds of Paradise dance and fly for us like dove !


Haminia Haar,

17th December 2012

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